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Hereditary Societies & Organizations:


Although, I can be hired to prepare, help and/or research any line for the application for new membership to the numerous Hereditary Societies that one can join (Provided that you  meet the eligibility requirements.) Some of the Societies listed below can only be joined by Strict Invitation Only.  However, most are not. (Such as The Esteemed Mayflower Society, The Baronial Order of Magna Carta and the order of the Garter) That being said the ones listed below are the most popular and the ones that I am most familiar with researching or preparing the applications for. (The Esteemed Mayflower Society especially because I am an assistant Historian for the New York Chapter.) A complete list of Societies can be found by clicking the button at the bottom of the page.

The Esteemed Mayflower Society


Any person able to document their descent from one or more of the following Mayflower Pilgrims is eligible to apply for membership in the Mayflower Society:


  • John Alden

  • Bartholomew Allerton

  • Isaac Allerton

  • Mary (Norris) Allerton

  • Mary Allerton

  • Remember Allerton

  • Elinor Billington

  • Francis Billington

  • John Billington

  • William Bradford

  • Love Brewster

  • Mary Brewster

  • William Brewster

  • Peter Browne

  • James Chilton

  • Mrs. James Chilton

  • Mary Chilton

  • Francis Cooke

  • John Cooke

  • Edward Doty

  • Francis Eaton

  • Samuel Eaton

  • Sarah Eaton

  • Moses Fletcher

  • Edward Fuller

  • Mrs. Edward Fuller

  • Samuel Fuller

  • Samuel Fuller (son of Edward)

  • Constance Hopkins

  • Elizabeth (Fisher) Hopkins

  • Giles Hopkins

  • Stephen Hopkins

  • John Howland

  • Richard More

  • Priscilla Mullins

  • William Mullins

  • Degory Priest

  • Joseph Rogers

  • Thomas Rogers

  • Henry Samson

  • George Soule

  • Myles Standish

  • Elizabeth Tilley

  • John Tilley

  • Joan (Hurst) Tilley

  • Richard Warren

  • Peregrine White

  • Resolved White

  • Susanna White

  • William White

  • Edward Winslow




Society of Descendants of Knights of the Most Noble Order of the Garter

Any person able to document their descent from one or more of a Knights of  the Order of the Garter is eligible to apply for membership in the Knights of the Order of the Garter

National Society of Americans of Royal Descent

Eligibility for membership is based upon Royal Descent from Ruling Houses of Europe and the British Isles and a member in good standing in one or more recognized American lineage societies, having to do with periods of American history anterior to the American Revolution.  In addition, a woman candidate must be a member of either the Colonial Dames of America or the National Society Colonial Dames of America.

 Baronial Order of Magna Carta


Membership is available to people of good character who can prove descent from one or more of the twenty-four Barons, and the Lord Mayor of London, who were responsible for holding King John to the terms of the Great Charter he signed on 15 June, 1215 at Runnemede Meadow in England

Magna Carta Barons

Sureties with known descendants past four generations:


William d’Aubigny (d’Aubeney), of Belvoir

Roger le Bigod, Earl of Norfolk

Hugh le Bigod (later Earl of Norfolk)

Henry de Bohun, Earl of Hereford

Richard de Clare, Earl of Hertford

Gilbert de Clare (later Earl of Gloucester and Hertford)

John Fitz Robert

Robert Fitz Walter

William de Huntingfield

John de Lacy, Constable of Chester (later Earl of Lincoln)

William de Lanvallay

William Malet

William de Mowbray

Saher de Quincy

Robert de Roos (Ros)

Geoffrey de Say

Robert de Vere, Earl of Oxford


Sureties without known descendants past four generations:


William de Forz, titular Earl of Aumale

William de Hardell, Mayor of London

Geoffrey de Mandeville, Earl of Essex

William Marshal the Younger (later Earl of Pembroke)

Roger de Montbegon

Richard de Mountfichet

Richard de Percy

Eustace de Vescy


Descendants of the following Counselors of King John, who were in sympathy with the Magna Charta are also candidates for membership in the Order:


William III d’Aubigny, Earl of Arundel

Hubert de Burgh

Alan of Galloway

William Marshal, Sr., Earl of Pembroke

William IV de Warenne, Earl of Surrey

 Men and women who are lineally descended from the Emperor Charlemagne, his successors and their heirs shall be eligible to membership  in this Order, provided, always, that such candidates are of excellent character and are considered qualified and worthy by the officers of this Order.

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